Your Donations In Action

ConsiderOthers: Your Donation In Action

Those already helped by ConsiderOthers include:

• A single parent struggling with unemployment.

•A 30-year resident whose home was destroyed by fire.

•An elderly resident struggling to pay medical bills and buy medicine.

• A full-time RV-er whose RV and possessions were destroyed by fire.


ConsiderOthers Success Stories

Making a difference…

Read how your donations have made a difference to those within the ELS community:

Thank you for your help and all you do for people like me.
– Arizona

Thank you immensely for offering [help to] others in need at our community – like myself. You give the gift of “HOPE.”
– Illinois

I thank you with all my heart. Your grant has made me realize there are still people out there who care about others.
– Illinois

This economy has left us in a bad way and we were short of hope – then we heard about ConsiderOthers. You helped us get back on our feet. Be proud of what you do for others.
– Arizona

My wife and I wish to express our thanks to ConsiderOthers for your concern, help and actions for us and for others.
– Indiana

I will be 80 years old, a widow and live alone.  My husband’s medical bills left me with very little in finances. My only income is Social Security. With your help, I can now go to my eye doctor. Bless you and all who help fund this wonderful organization.
– Illinois